§ 11-349. Purpose, intent and implementation.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    This article is adopted with the intent to limit fire hazards in the County during periods and conditions of extreme drought. This article shall be implemented by a Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners.


    If a quorum of the Board of County Commissioners is unable to meet, and the Chairman or the Vice Chairman, in the absence of the Chairman, or the County Administrator in the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, determines that there is an imminent threat that requires immediate and expeditious action, then in that case the Chairman, Vice Chairman or County Administrator may declare a drought emergency which shall remain in effect until the next Board meeting. At said Board meeting, a Resolution shall be adopted either continuing or rescinding said declaration. Nothing in this article shall be construed to limit the authority of the Board of County Commissioners to declare or terminate a drought emergency and take any action authorized by law.


    A declaration pursuant to this article may be rescinded by the declaring official, as outlined above, whenever a quorum of the Board is unable to meet. The provisions of this article shall be enforced as required until the Board of County Commissioners declares the drought emergency no longer exists.

(Ord. No. 2017-07, § 4, 5-23-2017)